docreview configuration


An aspect of the documentation that is to be reviewed, and its associated attributes.

For example, flesch-kincaid checks a vignette’s readability.

  active: true
  warn: 50
  fail: 30

Its attributes are: * active - whether this check is currently active or not * warn - scores more extreme than this value will result in a warning * fail - scores more extreme than this value will result in a failure


A check which has been further divided into subcomponents.

For example, length checks a vignette’s word length. It has 2 subchecks - too_long and too_short. You can configure whether these subchecks run at the check level or at the subcheck level. If active is set to FALSE at the check level, this will override any subchecks which have active set to TRUE.

  active: true
    active: true
    warn: 2000
    fail: 3000
    active: true
    warn: 100
    fail: 0