This Fortnight on the Arrow Dev Mailing List


New PMC members

Benjamin Kietzman has joined the Arrow Project Management Committee.

New committers

Ian Cook, Jonanthan Keane, and Daniël Heres were added as new committers


Discussion around integrating OpenTelemetry (a library for distrubuted tracing) into the C++ codebase. OpenTelemetry allows instrumentation - being able to better make us of telemetry data for diagnosing errors and writing trace information.

Interval data type

Discussion around a proposal to introduce an interval (i.e. similar to time delta) data type.

Datafusion process

A previous discussion around incorporating datafusion was restarted, when WM raised the fact that an IP clearance vote may be needed to merge in the codebase, but it was later found to probably not be an issue.

Registering MIME types

People voted on the proposal to officially register MIME types for Arrow formats - so far every vote has been affirmative.