Why is eval parse bad?


I was writing Arrow bindings for na.omit and needed a way of applying is.na to every column of a table at once. I’d originally implemented using dplyr::filter, but had failed to realise that Arrow only suggests dplyr but doesn’t import it, and so needed to refactor it.

Table objects in Arrow have a Filter method, and I knew that a naive implementation would be a for loop which iteratively called Table$Filter(!is.na(column_name)) for each column in my table. However, this would be ugly at best and inefficient at worst, and so what I really wanted was to be able to call Table$Filter(!is.na(col1) & !is.na(col2) & ... !is.na(colN)) where 1N are my column names.

An early implementation without dplyr::filter looked like this:

filter_text = paste0("!is.na(tbl$", names(tbl), ")", collapse = " & ")
filter = rlang::parse_expr(filter_text)

To break this down a bit, I’ll demonstrate a line by line run, using airquality as my input data. Below you can see that we start off with 153 rows.

tbl = arrow::Table$create(airquality)
## Table
## 153 rows x 6 columns
## $Ozone <int32>
## $Solar.R <int32>
## $Wind <double>
## $Temp <int32>
## $Month <int32>
## $Day <int32>
## See $metadata for additional Schema metadata

If I call na.omit on the airquality data.frame, I’m left with 111 rows.

## [1] 111

So now for the Arrow implementation. I first construct my filter:

filter_text = paste0("!is.na(tbl$", names(tbl), ")", collapse = " & ")
## [1] "!is.na(tbl$Ozone) & !is.na(tbl$Solar.R) & !is.na(tbl$Wind) & !is.na(tbl$Temp) & !is.na(tbl$Month) & !is.na(tbl$Day)"

I then convert the string to an expression.

filter = rlang::parse_expr(filter_text)
## !is.na(tbl$Ozone) & !is.na(tbl$Solar.R) & !is.na(tbl$Wind) & 
##     !is.na(tbl$Temp) & !is.na(tbl$Month) & !is.na(tbl$Day)

Finally, I evaluate the expression:

## Table
## 111 rows x 6 columns
## $Ozone <int32>
## $Solar.R <int32>
## $Wind <double>
## $Temp <int32>
## $Month <int32>
## $Day <int32>
## See $metadata for additional Schema metadata

It looks like it’s worked - it has! - but something feels wrong. I’ve heard people in the past talk about eval(parse(text = stuff)) being a bad way of doing things, and my solution felt a bit dirty in a similar way, though I wasn’t sure why.

A bit of a search and I found an answer on StackOverflow. In short, the main reasons that eval/parse is warned against are:

So, my code wasn’t as bad as I thought. However, in another bit of the Arrow codebase I’d seen some pretty nice code written using data masks and environment, and so refactored my code a little to mirror this style.

# paste together the filter function as a character vector
filter_text = paste0(
  paste0("!is.na(.data$", names(tbl), ")", collapse = " & "),
# parse expression; results in:
# .data$Filter(!is.na(.data$Ozone) & !is.na(.data$Solar.R) & !is.na(.data$Wind) & 
#  !is.na(.data$Temp) & !is.na(.data$Month) & !is.na(.data$Day))
filter = rlang::parse_expr(filter_text)

# tidily evaluate the results, within the data mask
rlang::eval_tidy(filter,  rlang::new_data_mask(rlang::env(.data = tbl)))

The above solution is my latest one at time of writing but hasn’t been reviewed or merged yet, so may require further changes. Here, I move in the called to Table$Filter into the filter text, so the whole expression is captured. This now means that I can use the .data pronoun to refer to the dataset, and instead of depending on the fact that a variable called tbl has been passed into my function, can instead manually pass it in when I call rlang::env.

I’m happier with this solution; whilst it still feels weird to construct calls using strings, at least this way, what is being called against what feels a little cleaner.

One thing that really helped me work all this out was the rlang cheatsheet, which is a resource I’d recommend to anyone wrestling with tidy eval.

[Edited to add below]

So in the end, after discussing with a colleague, we decided that parsing an expression was still potentially problematic. Although I’d dismissed the possible security concerns, they mentioned that it could be the case that someone has a dodgy column name, and it was unclear whether encapsulating things in their own environment would remove this risk or not. They suggested that I see if I could get purrr to do something useful, and after a little experimentation, here was my eventual solution.

# Creates a list of ChunkedArrays containing true/false for each value depending
# if it's an NA or not
not_na <- purrr::map(tbl$columns, ~!is.na(.x))

# reduces across lists to a single ChunkedArray (i.e. only true if all rows contain true)
not_na_agg <- purrr::reduce(not_na, `&`)

# filter only to retrieve rows which match with true

As is common in these circumstances, there was a simpler and more aesthetically pleasing solution available that didn’t require parsing of expressions. I’m much happier with the above code - it feels like a much better approach!

[Edited again!]

Ultimately we went with a different approach that implemented functionality that already exists in the Arrow package. This approach is even better as, instead of evaluating !is.na on each column of data and combining them, we instead build an expression that is evaluated against the dataset.

not_na <- purrr::map(tbl$columns, ~arrow:::build_array_expression("is_valid", .x))
not_na_agg <- Reduce("&", not_na)
## Table
## 111 rows x 6 columns
## $Ozone <int32>
## $Solar.R <int32>
## $Wind <double>
## $Temp <int32>
## $Month <int32>
## $Day <int32>
## See $metadata for additional Schema metadata