How do I make my own dplyr-style functions?

Nic Crane


In this series of blog posts introducing tidy eval, we’ve been looking at why tidy eval is important, and terms like “quotation” and “quasiquotation”.

The next step is to look at how we can write our own dplyr-style functions in R.

This post will look at the following terms and functions:

What is a quosure?

Quosures are a topic which come up frequently when talking about tidy eval. But what is a quosure? From here

Quosures are quoted expressions that keep track of an environment

On it’s own, this definition is a little abstract. We can guess from its name that the term “quosure” is related to “closure”, meaning a function which keeps track of its parent environment, but in the case of “quosure”, we’re referring specifically to quoted expressions instead of functions.

In order to give it a little more context, let’s look at an example of where you might need to use a quosure.

Using dplyr Inside Custom Functions

In a number of previous posts, we looked at how we can use sym() and !! to help us work with dplyr functions when called inside our own functions. As a recap, here’s an example of a function, wrangle_data(), which selects a column specified by the user, filters based on a user-supplied value, and then returns the first 6 lines of the resulting dataset:


wrangle_data <- function(x, col_name, val){
  one_col <- select(x, !!sym(col_name))
  filtered <- filter(one_col, !!sym(col_name) == val)

wrangle_data(iris, "Species", "versicolor")
##      Species
## 1 versicolor
## 2 versicolor
## 3 versicolor
## 4 versicolor
## 5 versicolor
## 6 versicolor

This works fine, although you may notice that the syntax is a little different to if you were to use dplyr functions directly; for example, when we use select() to return specified columns, we don’t need to put the column names in quotes.

select(iris, Species) %>%
##   Species
## 1  setosa
## 2  setosa
## 3  setosa
## 4  setosa
## 5  setosa
## 6  setosa

So, how can we write our own functions that work in the same way?

Capturing User Input

Let’s take a quick look at what happens if we try to call our function without putting quote marks around the column name.

wrangle_data(iris, Species, "versicolor")
## Error: object 'Species' not found

We get an error message. This is because R is trying to find an object named Species, but no object with this name exists. We need some way of capturing the expression that the user has input and evaluating it in the correct context.

Quosures: quo() and enquo()

This brings is back to our earlier definition of quosures:

Quosures are quoted expressions that keep track of an environment

We might try using quo() to create a quosure. Note that we have also removed the call to sym().

wrangle_data <- function(x, col_name, val){
  col_name <- quo(col_name)
  one_col <- select(x, !!col_name)
  filtered <- filter(one_col, !!col_name == val)

wrangle_data(iris, Species, "versicolor")
## Note: Using an external vector in selections is ambiguous.
## ℹ Use `all_of(col_name)` instead of `col_name` to silence this message.
## ℹ See <>.
## This message is displayed once per session.
## Error: Must subset columns with a valid subscript vector.
## x Subscript has the wrong type `quosure/formula`.
## ℹ It must be numeric or character.

This is almost correct, but not quote there! To make this function run, we need to use enquo().

wrangle_data <- function(x, col_name, val){
  col_name <- enquo(col_name)
  one_col <- select(x, !!col_name)
  filtered <- filter(one_col, !!col_name == val)

wrangle_data(iris, Species, "versicolor")
##      Species
## 1 versicolor
## 2 versicolor
## 3 versicolor
## 4 versicolor
## 5 versicolor
## 6 versicolor

So what is the difference between quo() and enquo() then?

Comparing quo() and enquo()

When we call quo() on an expression, it takes that expression and wraps it in a quosure, in this case, returning col_name as a quosure. However, what we actually wanted to do was return Species as a quosure, and this extra step can be performed by using enquo() instead.

From the programming vignette from dplyr:

enquo() uses some dark magic to look at the argument, see what the user typed, and return that value as a quosure.

To look at it another way, if we wanted to turn a variable we supplied ourself into a quosure, we’d probably use quo(), but if it’s one supplied by the user, then we should use enquo().

To conclude, enquo() is crucial if we wish to create our own dplyr style functions which capture user input. Any feedback on this post is welcome via Twitter.